Seeking Rents
Seeking Rents – The Podcast
Here's how Florida could cut taxes for the families who need it the most

Here's how Florida could cut taxes for the families who need it the most

Nearly half of all families in Florida are struggling to make ends meet. Florida also has the must unfair tax code in the country. There's a way to solve both problems at once.

In this episode: A recent report from the United Way revealed a staggering fact about Florida: Nearly half of the state’s 9 million households are now unable to afford basic living expenses. One reason so many Florida families are struggling is that the state has the most unfair tax code in the country — one that takes far more money from the working and middle class than it does from the very wealthy. But there’s a way Florida lawmakers could solve both problems at once. It’s called the “Working Floridians Tax Rebate,” and it would deliver a tax cut to more than 2 million Floridians. Esteban Santis, an economic policy analyst at the Florida Policy Institute, joins the show to discuss it.

Show notes:

Check out a a terrific deep dive into the United Way study that found nearly half of all households in Florida are struggling to make ends meet.

Find more research and read report itself directly from the United Way.

Learn what makes Florida’s tax code so easy on the rich — and punishing on the poor — from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

Read up on the Working Floridians Tax Rebate, including how it would work, who would get a tax cut, and why the benefits would ripple out others.

And if it sounds good to you, figure out your representatives in the Florida Legislature and tell them to support it.

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Seeking Rents
Seeking Rents – The Podcast
"Rent-seeking" is a term in economics that describes when a corporation uses its political influence to twist tax laws and other public policy in its favor. Seeking Rents – The Podcast brings you the stories of how that's happening in Florida, where corporate interests like Florida Power & Light, Big Sugar, and Walt Disney World wield enormous influence everywhere from local city halls to the state Capitol. Hosted by award-winning journalist Jason Garcia, Florida's leading corporate-accountability reporter.