Seeking Rents
Seeking Rents – The Podcast
Ron DeSantis signs a state law blocking wage and benefit protections for Florida workers

Ron DeSantis signs a state law blocking wage and benefit protections for Florida workers

The governor of Florida just signed a bill written by lobbyists for big businesses that dissolves living wage laws, prevents predictable-scheduling rules, and blocks heat-safety standards.

In this episode: Behind closed doors, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 433, a sweeping piece of legislation that was originally written by lobbyists for some of the biggest companies doing business in the state. The legislation will dissolve local living wage laws, prevent communities from passing “Fair Workweek” rules, and block efforts to set new heat-safety standards for outdoor workers. How did a bill like this pass? Well, $160,000 a week in campaign contributions from Big Business lobbying groups certainly helped.



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Seeking Rents
Seeking Rents – The Podcast
"Rent-seeking" is a term in economics that describes when a corporation uses its political influence to twist tax laws and other public policy in its favor. Seeking Rents – The Podcast brings you the stories of how that's happening in Florida, where corporate interests like Florida Power & Light, Big Sugar, and Walt Disney World wield enormous influence everywhere from local city halls to the state Capitol. Hosted by award-winning journalist Jason Garcia, Florida's leading corporate-accountability reporter.