Please refrain from the phrase "public charter." The Jacksonville classical school cited in this article has a corporate board elected by (wait for it) the corporate board! Truly a self-licking ice cream cone, if ever there was one. The members of this board are not required to live in the school district. They must meet quarterly and one of those meetings is the "election."

The only thing public about this set up is the funding.

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Agreed, we are paying property taxes to churches for pitiful education.

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“That’s why we left Florida to teach,” said my daughter-in-law and son when I read this article to them. They both just graduated with teaching degrees from UF. They just moved to the truly free state of Massachusetts to teach (and get paid VERY WELL for it) where all the rights and more Florida citizens recently lost under the DeSantis regime are still available. Escape Florida while you still can.

Florida is a totalitarian state funded by plutocrats who are taking control of education and all channels of information and thought. Florida already has a reputation for uneducated ninnies from what DeSantis did to its education system. Escape Florida while you still can to maintain your freedom of thought. All the cheapskate millionaires moving to Florida too miserly miserable to pay taxes can have it and cannibalize each other for power and attempts to stay relevant and find meaning in their vapid lives.

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It was better back in the 80s and 90s for Florida education under Gov. Bob Graham. I can't believe how far Florida has fallen.

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WE CAN blame the usual snake, Rick Scott for destroying the pay scale for veteran teachers. Because Florida doesn't value longevity, the best veteran teachers hit the pavement after 10 or so years. For example: my sister teaches in Queens, NY. 23 year veteran teacher, Masters Degree, 60 and above credits, makes $123,000. Same teacher in Florida will make about $77,000-$84,000. You see the difference. And don't give me that cost of living nonsense. In my last trip to Long Island 2 weeks ago, gasoline was CHEAPER in NY than in Florida.

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Where is the "think tank" for accountability for corporations and wall street. Where are the progressive "think tanks" ?????????

Progress is a humane society. We are a technology, modern society not a back wards slave state masquerading as "democracy" because that's exactly what will happen

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wow - double speak triple times over. The small republicans (nicest thing I can write) accuse the opposition of their fraudulent misdeeds. - Trying to say it professionally this morning.

what the hell happened to Florida since Gov. Bob Graham? The Dems have also let us down for decades by rolling over and letting this happen. The whole party. That's the "why" the two top candidates are 50/50 in the polls.

Public money is for the public not private interest. I'm fed up with my tax dollars going to someone else's church. THAT'S WRONG!

Well, at least the Dems were intelligent enough to vote for Nikki Fried. I think our only hope is to break this majority in Nov.


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Amazing work from the brilliant folks at Primer. Can’t wait to see all of the opportunities that this new legislation is going to open up. Fantastic news.

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Ron vetoes $32 million for the arts and culture portion of the budget but this Charter School gets a $6 million, publicly funded gymnasium. Charter are the money train for Republicans. If you're reading this and live in Florida you ought to be disgusted with the Republican Mafia of Tallahassee. If you're sitting in traffic on outdated roads delivered by the governor, thank your local Republican leaders who value pronoun debates more than moving people around economically. The sham that is on full display (Ron stands behind those stupid podiums with those stupid taglines) is that he rails about the "global elites" but they are the very ones funding his power trip. Somehow this house of cards has to collapse. A side note, you ever wonder why these democratically elected people, the ones we might elect to hold an office, "can't be reached", "never have a comment" yet they are allegedly representing the voters. Ron is done in 2026, the state will look much different when he is done destroying it. Can't wait.

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