Just when you think you couldn't be any more disgusted to live in Florida....boom Little Hitler strikes again. I really need to move back to reality.

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Thankfully this is now bigger news, thanks Jason!!

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I over heard two groups of Bible talking, 65+ white males in two different cafes (one owned by a woman) talking out loud about women should go back and work in the home and "when I was in high school" all the girls wore dresses.

I have dismissed these people - its past time to take it seriously because they are going to drag us by our hair into the woods or a cave.

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The ads on television are so full of misrepresentations.. women know they will vote yes on amendment 4 to take government out of their exam room so they are just wasting their money. Which is ok with me…

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Rhonda and Shady are both graduates of THE BRAIN POLICE ACADEMY.

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Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple not the homeless AND a rich person has as much a chance of getting into heaven as threading a camel through the eye of a needle. Money isn't "we are so blessed".

Housing Fraud - reference https://youtu.be/vP3aCfkFuoo?si=Xaksv5bBMDHDHR6z

The oligarchy are semi- suicidal. They are gutting the middle classes

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