Imagine if they spent all this time, energy and money on things that would materially make life in this state better instead of promoting their own personal preferences. Thank you for your continued reporting on this.

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Agreed. And yet, deSantis was also more intent on firing the park ranger guy and gutting our state taxpayer funded parks for his developers.

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I’m sure he’s bullying them by saying he will shut them down if he doesn’t get his way.

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If you do a follow-up, I sure would like to hear from legal experts about the legality of this little scheme.

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How can Florida stop this monster? Don't get me wrong - this has been decades in the making. It didn't happen overnight either.

Nikki Fried has her work cut out for her. She's doing a great job. It's just mind boggling what they have passed this last few years.

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Eventually, despite the slow, drip by drip gutting of public record laws, we are going to learn the amount of taxpayer funds being paid to attorneys to defend DeSantis' un-Constitutional executive actions. He is stacking the courts and still losing most of the time. And everytime he loses, he appeals, spending even more on attorney fees. The law firms that are getting these contracts are probably huge political donors. Desantis IS the swamp

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desantis is a horrible little man who, I believe, in 2026 will lose in a landslide election. Just like the ben sasse debacle and the giving of thousands of acres to any corp who will pay enough he's going to squeeze out off the money he can out of Floridians.

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