The best news coverage in Florida. I'll keep reposting this. The FBI knew the mortgages and property flipping was fraud. It's appraisal fraud and now because of the disparity in income to housing - they want to build MORE "affordable housing"? That will destroy the environment and it's won't work anyway because everything is now called "luxury". Besides, I do NOT want to live in housing at my work property. I deserve the wages to make my own choices.

FBI reference - https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/mortgage-fraud-2010

Huff Post:



The Dems need to focus on saving the economy and then democracy will take care of itself.

Ms. Harris, the people from your lawsuit against the banks maybe got a $1200 check. Offering first time homeowners 25K - will not help one single person from the 2008 appraisal fraud crisis. PLEASE just be brave and go for it. Tell the raw truth about housing. You might be surprised at the support.

But Dems, stop asking me for a $5. #NeverForget2008

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Not included in this list of articles is in today's Orlando Sentinel. Read with bewilderment the State Board of Education tell schools not to discuss contraception in a Sexual Education class for HS students??? Why have we landed here and why are we watching with horror adults telling HS students that some things are to nasty to talk about.. This state is whacked!!

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I equate the Insurance Fraud mess in Florida to a bad AC mechanic. In Florida whether it's your car A/C or your house A/C, you need it working. When you call for service you expect the Tech to fix it, not promise they'll fix it in the future. So, when the same tech shows up to "fix" a problem he allegedly fixed in the past, would you keep using the same company or would you fire them and get a new company to fix the problem? Home Insurance in Florida is exactly the same. It's broken and has been broken for years. They promised fixes but the problem keeps getting worse. FIRE THEM IN NOVEMBER and GET A NEW PAIR OF EYES ON THE PROBLEM. It's been proven that Republicans can not fix the problem so why rehire them????

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The story by Craig Pittman says it all. How state officials for the most part have "no comment" or are unwilling to speak to the press. This is the least transparent Florida government EVER!! We have to thank the journalists each and everyday that the shit in Florida is exposed to the public. About the same time that the state park golf build out would be a thing, this story broke. Somehow not as huge but in the same vane as slick Republicans get another donor there just reward. State land for cheap. This land deal would be the equivalent of giving 300 lbs of Filet Mignon to a developer and getting a 1000 lbs of worthless, hard grizzle in the form of London Broil in return. Looks like a lot but is nasty, hard chew. I hope those die hard Republican voter in Florida are waking up to the biggest grift in the states history.

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Yes, and the mortgage fraud that has never been addressed in Florida is hurting everyone. All citizens are affected by this and the FBI knew it.



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