I'm happy to subscribe. Yes, the Miami Herald has done some amazing reporting over the decades. At the moment, I can afford Seeking Rents and greatly appreciate the info.

It's so frustrating not to be able to do much about these issues. I will vote out every single last republican in Tallahassee in November.

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Here's an election story from Sarasota that is making waves just now: One candidate - Mast - has over $237,000 in contribs from developers. The other - Coe - has $16,000. Mast is married to the head of the Building Industry Association. She got her associate's daughter to enter the primary as a write-in, which closes it to Dems and Indies. Democracy has been bought in Sarasota County for a long time - over 55 years of uninterrupted R's on the County Commission.


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People in Florida need to break the chain of Republican dominance. They are only pro business and F --K everyone else!!

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Thanks Jason for all the great work you do! I am a paid subscriber to yours and many other Substacks, it is where I get most of my info these days.

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It would be nice to read these posted links but most of the papers don't allow you to read unless you're s subscriber. Thus, thanks but didn't get to read anything.

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Yeah, because windmills are a ridiculous proposition that mars the landscape and slaughters wildlife. For someone so concerned with governmental grift, how have you not figured out what “green technologies” that require subsidy and never deliver on their endless promises are?

I wish I could say that’s all “climate change” is, but of course that’s far more nefarious, as the quest to regulate carbon is necessarily the quest to be permitted to regulate anything and everything. It’s a desperate attempt by the powers that be to seize control of the world’s resources and dictate a much lower standard of living to the entire globe while they continue to live it up. It’s neo-feudalism, and as a cause it’s the exclusive domain of power-mad fiends, dull wannabe intellects that never actually examine “the scientific consensus” they’re so sure exists, and actual morons (leaving aside the fact that only the brain dead think science operates on consensus in the first place).

It’d be a big joke if we weren’t talking about totalitarianism, but we are. Maybe it’s time to investigate before all you can say is “we didn’t know what was happening! It was so unclear! Professionals can be bad and dishonest?!?” The naïveté is painful to endure.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

That was the ONLY thing you got from all of the info presented?? When the trolls show up then we know Jason is doing it right! 👏

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