Florida in Five: November warning
Five stories to read from the past week in Florida politics.

This is Seeking Rents, a newsletter and podcast devoted to producing original journalism — and lifting up the work of others — about Florida politics, with an emphasis on the ways that big businesses and other special interests influence public policy in the state. Seeking Rents is written by veteran investigative journalist Jason Garcia, and it is free to all. But please consider a voluntary paid subscription, if you can afford one, to help support our work.
Welcome to another installment of Florida in Five: Five* stories you need to read from the past week in Florida politics.
But before we get to the headlines: Florida held its primary elections last week, and I want to flag a couple of results in particular.
In St. Lucie County, midway down the Atlantic Coast, a race to be the Republican nominee for supervisor of elections ended with the two candidates separated by just two votes out of more than 25,000 cast.
And one of those two candidates — who, remember, want to manage the county’s elections — is part of an “America First” slate being promoted by election deniers and conspiracy theorists.
A recount is now underway. Results are expected on Monday.
Meanwhile, in Orange County, in a commission district that reaches from some of Orlando’s biggest bedroom communities to Walt Disney World, a contest between an environmental attorney and an anti-abortion activist also ended with the candidates separated by just two votes. This time out of more than 28,000 cast.
Because a write-in candidate siphoned off 15 votes in that race, the two main contenders are now going to square off again in a runoff that will be on the November general election ballot.
Listen, it’s a cliché to say that every vote matters. But sometimes every vote really does matter.
And every vote could matter once again this fall.
So, please: Make a plan to vote.
*To paraphrase Barbossa, five is more what you’d call a guideline than an actual rule.
Lame duck
DeSantis admin wants to put golf courses, pickleball courts and more in Florida state parks (Tampa Bay Times) ($)
See also: Political opposition grows to Florida plan for golf courses in state parks (Tampa Bay Times) ($)
See also: Florida agency postpones meetings about state park plans, citing ‘overwhelming interest’ (Tampa Bay Times) ($)
See also: Veterans group previously pitched building golf courses at Florida state park (Tampa Bay Times) ($)
Wall Street is Florida’s landlord now
Florida homes owned by corporate investors: 117,000 — and counting (Tampa Bay Times) ($)
‘Rising condo assessments, higher rents, and back-breaking insurance’
As cost of living rises, the ‘unretired’ in South Florida return to work (South Florida Sun-Sentinel) ($)
Who cares what voters think?
DeSantis puts Broward School Board ally on state education board after voters reject him (Miami Herald) ($)
See also: DeSantis elevates Florida judge who lost reelection after blocking teen’s abortion (Miami herald) ($)
A state purge that cost half a million kids their health insurance
Florida families are seeking consistent care following Medicaid unwinding (WUSF)
Florida election results show Ron DeSantis is out of juice (Florida Times-Union) ($)
Moms for Liberty rejected in Florida along with extremists, repeat losers (Orlando Sentinel) ($)
Voters issue stunning rebuke to DeSantis and developers in Manatee and Sarasota races (Florida Trident)
Jason you are amazing—thank you for all you do!
Wall street is now our landlords - I know it was a confusing time in 2008 but the homeowners were NOT , NOT at fault - there is no way possible any of could have been. Let's organize and march for 2008, because no one else is going to except Floridians.
Please everyone share and watch The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One William Bill Black, PhD. lawyer and former bank regulator Cliff Notes - TheCon.tv Bill also did a Ted Talk, Bill Moyer interviews. Lectures at Harvard etc.
Harvard Law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlnXsfX2KRo
TheCon.tv features top law enforcement and documentation.
If we don't make a big deal about it, we won't fix our housing.
Building creates the largest carbon footprint causing climate change. We can mitigate it but we must address 2008 - to move forward