Pretty embarrassing list of nonsense.

Imagine if we actually had representation FOR THE PEOPLE.

I hope the snowbirds find a better location & take all their $$'s out of Florida where it will be appreciated.

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How do we start organizing in Florida?This is horrible. Our newspapers in Florida are controlled by this party.

The irony is that republicans will blame Dems for the problems that the Reps are doing to people.

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I wonder how the 151,000 Florida retirees are feeling now that the Republicans have killed the cost of living adjustment to their retirement plan. Since 2011 there hasn't been an increase according to Jason's reporting. Hey guys are you feeling good about flipping the lever for the party that keeps you in the poor house? It's not that Florida doesn't have the money, they do! There's over $17-19 BILLION. in reserves but they're unwilling to spend it. CHEAP BASTARDS!

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Listening to your March 4th podcast. Great info and thank you Jason! So maybe DeSantis was trying to mimic Hugo Chávez, the former President/Dictator of Venezuela. Chavez had a meeting every Sunday with all his cabinet heads of State and had them stand up one by one. He would then ridicule them publicly for an hour or so despite the fact that the things they were in charge of had no funding or resources for them to do their jobs or accomplish anything. Ron Desanits Chavez. I think physically they are both small short men.

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Fascism in full effect in Florida. Truly shameful.

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Where have all the readers gone for Jason's newsletter? Used to see many more on here......

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I'm tried of the tax dodgers who live here for tax purposes 6 month plus one day. They can pay their own insurance.

It sounds like this whole situation with insurance needs a complete over haul along with land planning codes etc

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