Have you seen our locally filmed documentary PhosFateMovie.com ?

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I haven't but I'll check it out.

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The only emotional respite for decent, unselfish, environmentally-minded human beings is knowing that climate change has extra special plans in store for FLORIDUH. As ever more intense hurricanes and extreme heat ratchets up to torment the world, FLORIDUH will have large swaths of development, people, roaches and bullshit policies scraped away.

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And may mar a lardo experience the worst first!

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that's an ideal example of quid pro quo corruption. Why can't we get any representation? All the republicans are corrupt and only half the democrats are corrupt...vote blue!

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Let us not forget about the plans to use phosphate waste in concrete and asphalt, which are now in the testing stages. "In 2023, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill that will allow the Florida Department of Transportation to study the use of phosphogypsum in road construction, defying calls from a coalition of environmental groups urging his veto. Critics called it the “radioactive roads” bill."


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Why do you oppose research?

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I think the Federal Dept of Transportation gave the green light to test this in a roadway aggregate.

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Thank you Jason for being one of the few journalists in Florida keeping us informed with facts. And for naming names and exposing the money trail.

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The only way to address this nonsense is by passing common sense laws which require citizen initiatives.

A constitutional right (The Right To Clean and Healthy Waters) trumps legislation that allows pollution, restricts bans on harmful fertilizers, and permits the use of radioactive materials in our roads. Let's leave a legacy for future generations by ensuring clean water for all.

👉 Join the movement! Complete your own petition, then share with your network: https://bit.ly/FRTCW-petition. Together, we can protect Florida's waters for generations to come. Get involved: https://floridarighttocleanwater.org

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I am confused. Exactly why are we (the state of Florida) helping a private company that makes billions in profit clean up their messes? And these messes are damaging to our environment and possibly (likely) the health of our citizens. That is part of the cost of doing business. It is their responsibility, not ours.

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I don't think that is the provision of the bill being discussed. It seems to be an effort to curtail lawfare.

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One of many reasons I sold my house in FL and don’t want to live there.

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What say i turn those phosphate mines back into greenery when emperor?

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That is what is being done.

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Sorry bout that. My bad.

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Republicans are going to kill off their constituents one by one. Please, resist the Uber wealthy, say something, speak out and don't let them roll over you....Ask you area Reps how big their check was from Mosaic...

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And while you're at it, ask your neighbors in the fertilizer businesses if they want to lose their jobs.

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Shit will grow in Florida regardless of fertilizer. Runoff from lawns and farms are what cause outbreaks of Red Tide and Algae blooms. But you keep believing what Mosaic is selling..For Republicans it's all about the checks!

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So, you don't care about your unemployed neighbors? or about the hungry who depend on modern agriculture to survive?

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