Every lame duck guv here suffers this fate…🤣

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Yet kids can still play violent video games like mutilate a woman but not see her naked. Now we know why some Florida kids hack to death the family dog. Twitter? I put a big X across that social media and crossed it off my list of anything worth my time. And no doubt the GOP doesn't want teens on social media to connect with each other to complain about their slave labor jobs that they must work rather than go to school. Plus, it seems silly to ban China from owning property in Florida, when you can invest in the Bank of China with Charles Schwab! Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley actively manage Chinese wealth! Why not ban those banks from helping China? Concentration camps for the homeless, what a concept. There is no public space anymore, only private. Plus, the GOP is constantly taking AWAY local jurisdiction. Suddenly it puts the burden if state-sanctioned criminalizing homelessness on local municipalities.

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