In this episode: With lobbyists for big corporations like Publix and Florida Power & Light cheering them on, Republican leaders in the Florida Legislature began advancing new plans this week that are meant to make it much harder — maybe even impossible — for everyday citizens in Florida to pass ballot measures through petition drives. Plus: An oversight fight that could have major implications for efforts to restore the Florida Everglades and an anti-abortion poison pill slipped inside a boat-safety bill.
Show notes:
Links to all the bills referenced in today’s show:
House Bill 1205 — Initiative Petitions for Constitutional Amendments
Senate Bill 7016 — Initiative Petitions Proposing an Amendment to the State Constitution
Senate Bill 7002 — Water Management Districts
House Bill 289 — Boating Safety
Senate Bill 628 — Boating Safety
Senate Bill 676 — Minimum Wage Requirements
Senate Bill 700 — Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Senate Bill 498 — Interest Rates Applicable to the Interest on Trust Accounts Program
Senate Bill 832 — Former Phosphate Mining Lands
Banks lobbyists want to slash funding for legal support programs
Florida lawmakers may help a mining giant fend off lawsuits
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