Well, this was an exciting way to start a cold Sunday morning. I won't be able to keep my milk toast down.

During the last 3 years, I have been asked, repeatedly, why we didn't STOP this in the 60's. My answer. Martin Luther King Jr., had a Dream. We had a Plan. And they institutionalized Racism. Take it from someone who was there, my friends were SDS and Weatherman. I knew the Chicago 7. My friend died at Kent State. What is now happening in Florida is, and was, our worst case scenario. An extinction event. And, even then, the Black Panthers knew that they were being funded by old, blue-blooded white men, hiding behind the curtain.

I am sickened by what we are now facing in Florida.


And then there is this:

This old Republican narrative created a false image of the nation and of its politics, an image pushed to a generation of Americans by right-wing media, a vision that MAGA Republicans have now absorbed as part of their identity. It reflects a manipulation of politics that Russian political theorists called “political technology.”

Russian “political technologists” developed a series of techniques to pervert democracy by creating a virtual political reality through modern media. They blackmailed opponents, abused state power to help favored candidates, sponsored “double” candidates with names similar to those of opponents in order to split their voters and thus open the way for their own candidates, created false parties to create opposition, and, finally, created a false narrative around an election or other event that enabled them to control public debate.


Thank you for reporting on the issues which may ultimately define the collapse of democratic democracy.

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The train has left the building, no stopping it now. Same with the banking system, it's a plan & it will all come crashing down on the Citizens.

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Jason, " I'm mad as hell and can't take it anymore."

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