What's really disingenuous are the Republicans to claim to be protecting the environment in Florida. LIARS!!! All of the crap they throw at the public regarding culture wars is just cover for the underhanded destruction of Florida's natural beauty. The Governor is the lead culprit, the rest are doing his bidding. I guess we can see shiney new cars and pools at some of their homes soon.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

Year after year, session after session, the Florida Republican Mafia has handcuffed the average citizen and environmental groups from protecting the very places they call home. If this keeps up, gone are the green spaces and natural water filtering system only to replaced with dirty, tainted water. Have we not learned the lessons of perhaps Flint Michigan and other dirty water destinations? Florida was once known as an agricultural state but those days are coming to an end. Don't kid yourself, it's coming. Developers are busy laying the groundwork to poison every green space they can. You think flooding is an issue now?? Wait a few years as it gets exponentially worse as developers build and at the same time destroy Florida's ability to naturally move excess water away. Too many developments are not even elevated enough to alleviate storm water as the myriad of retention ponds, catch basins are undersized to handle the new excessive rain amounts. At last check Florida is on the plain, where's the water going to go?? To the Florida voters, you had better get involved in the process before it's too late. One party rule will destroy the Florida you once knew. Joni Mitchell sang it best...."they paved paradise to put up a parking lot"......

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The GOP is like a suicide cult. No sex = no fertility, unless you're a Hot Mom For Liberty with a rapist husband hankering for a menage a trois. Starving manatees are the canary in the coal mine. Environmental collapse is nigh. Food insecurity and starvation are real when nature and farmland are replaced by zombie grey zones of housing developments and little infrastructure, (no impact fees) like roads, to get you out of the state in an emergency. Those walls and gated communities keep people in, not just out.

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If you made the mistake of voting for De$antis and you can see how he's doing all these things to Florida, I definitely don't think he would have the United States best interests at hand. What a joke of a governor!

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This might be laughable if it wasn’t so extremely sad and dangerous - laughable because you would expect people who are “successful” and “leaders” to understand that they are literally killing the golden goose. As early as the 1990s we were producing white papers with the Audubon Society Everglades Ecosystem Campaign showing, “In. Florida, the ENVIRONMENT IS THE ECONOMY.” Ordinary Floridians will pay the ultimate price as the cannibalizers pack up and move on once they’ve fully drained and polluted our paradise. We the people must find a way to stop them.

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