Anyone supporting and voting for these gqpfakebelievers is also complicit in their cruelty and inhumanity

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Homeowners need to put up umbrellas or tents, fill cooler with water for roofers, cement layers etc. screw any business that doesn't do this with or without laws.

I purposely do not purchase any Florida produce or sugar and never will .

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This is now Florida, with emboldened businesses, lobbyists, and legislators willing to do the bidding

for any autocratic, religious, right wing or greedy organization with power. Saddest of all, the majority of our voters seem to like it. America could become another Florida if Biden loses in November.

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The entire GOP is completely shameless. It's all about "limited government" except when it wants to squeeze more blood money out of dehydrated workers. Maybe they would learn their lesson if they had to mow their own lawns and clean their own sidewalks and pools. If I worked in the scorching heat at some service such as landscaping, cleaning, or maintenance - I would (a) refuse to service any legislator or lobbyist's property, and I would print HB433 on my letter of resignation; and (b) I would send a copy of the letter to every landscaping company in a 20 mile radius along with a list of the perpetrators who voted for this bill. No exceptions. I would refuse to mow highway medians and right-of-ways and send the same letter to DeSantis's desk. For agribusiness, I would gather workers into a slow walk through the fields. OR STRIKE. Roofers and construction workers should demand water and shade in their contracts. OR STRIKE.



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The only way to change things is to hope the Dems under Nikki Fried can get them elected and then hold them accountable for writing and passing bills.

The irony is that these are the same people who complain about "not getting good people". Of course not. They abuse their workers. Deny them emergency care (demand immigrant status in the ER) and offer no housing. Now, no housing means they will be rounded up and sent to county camps and then forced to under go "PSY" care.

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Citizens United opened the firehose of cash to the candidate bank accounts. What survives those that vote GOP, or don’t vote at all, is a soulless body of lawmakers with hands always outstretched, and willing to do the work of the highest bidder. Legalized bribery, in my opinion. Condoned and perpetuated bu our not so “ Supreme” Court.

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Jason. - great article

Governor. “I had nothing to do with it”.

Lobbyists. Who knows what was said on the eve of the vote

Rodriguez - though she started with good intention years ago, her back room flip is inexcusable. Hope voters dismiss her next election if she plans to run

Another great exposay. Keep it up

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I feel an ACLU lawsuit challenging these heartless monsters in Tallahassee! Dozens of DeSantis inhumane or unconstitutional “laws” have been defeated by decent challengers! He must go!!!!!

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I suspect Sen. Ana Maria Rodriguez was threatened in some way. I imagine all the entities that killed the bill saw it as a gateway to better wages and support for workers. Horrors! Can’t have that now can we.

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We need to replace these people and then hold that person in office accountable. We can see all campaign contributions on Vote pedia

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Florida is the armpit of America, Texas is running a close second.

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A good tort lawyer, willing to sue companies for wrongful death for deliberately forcing people to work in fatally dangerous conditions, is probably the quickest remedy for this situation. Web bulb temperatures can be precisely calculated any any reading above 35°C has been demonstrated to be fatal.

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Deny responsibility and put the burden of proof on those that lodge complaint. Been happening since someone was ok with setting themselves above people that want to work and create a space for themselves.

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SSDD Nothing new...nothing to see here...

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May 26
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There is a place in the depths of Hell reserved for this mist hateful, racist governor! He is a walking scandal on Florida!!!

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