Jan 8·edited Jan 9

Thanks Jason for the continued scrutiny of all things bad in Tallahassee. I only wish that more Floridians would read your reporting so they may be more informed than FOX News tells them. All things coming out of right wing think tanks dwarf whatever Republicans are screaming about "Soros". If they only knew that their pockets are being picked cleaned by Republican's on a daily basis. What I find laughable is that Florida is becoming LESS of an agriculture state as land is being swatted and cleared by the building industry. Florida will get hotter as concrete retains more heat than green space. As that happens, I believe South Florida might become more unlivable because of the growing heat problem. Then there is the flooding problem, exasperated by continuous gutting of natural green space. Funny to hear Floridians complain about flooding as they don't believe how topography, climate change and building regulations come into play. Call it naive or call it oblivious but they need to get educated by changing conditions.

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It’s not only Fox. It’s the complete lack of reporting on anything substantive by most of the local newspapers - and the paywalls that prevent us from accessing those papers that are less superficial. Jason, thank you for filling a desperate need for news. And PJ, speaking of weather, I live in St. Petersburg. We’ve had 2 torrential rainstorms in the last week and I’ve just received the 3rd notice of severe weather and potential flooding - which happened with one of the rainstorms a couple of weeks ago as well. Rain at this time of year isn’t unheard of, and this kind of weather is highly unusual.

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