This is the reporting we should have had in Florida for the past decades. The Northwest Florida Daily and Tallahassee Democrat and Pensacola News Journal are so disappointing (that's the nicest thing I can muster saying) . This destruction of our democracy and government has been under-handed for decades because most of us were not aware of it. And, there are many of us who tried.

And don't tell me those above papers were not able to do this level of reporting.

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They are allatrocious, but 1122 that allows DeSantis to remove electeds who vote to remove Confederate statues, seems like a REALLY bad idea. Andrew Warren and Monique Worrell as electeds would have been just the start of his purges.

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It’s bad enough that they are knee-capping our local ordinances but now Governor Fascist can just remove elected representatives on a whim! Not only is this fascism but it’s the ultimate voter suppression.

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It is what happens when people vote Republican without researching the candidates. We can blame northern Republican's (who have moved to FL) who think they are getting a fiscally conservative moderate, but really have just gotten a far right goose stepping off brand.

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🤬 who are our lawmakers representing because NOT ONE of these bills offer anything worthwhile or good for constituents! Stop voting for these GOP who only care about power and their corporate donors interests! We are all adults and should be able to make life decisions without government prohibitions or interference. Voters in FL need to wake up, this is not freedom but fascism. Now throw in a private army for the governors disposal and this is authoritarianism.

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This is the prelude for what’s coming to America should a trumpublican administration be elected this fall. They are completely untethered to democracy, and their fascistic policies will be implemented swiftly and unmercifully.

Their supporters won’t know what hit them, as they realize Q and trump are simply good puppeteers.

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The mountainous Reading List should be force-fed to pro-DeSantis voters. Also a great reading list for college political science courses.

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Florida gets what Florida votes for.

I've never seen such a shit show & clueless voters.

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It's so obvious what's happening: The sedition caucus is raising an army. A neo-confederate army. The border skirmish with Texas and Feds, and DeSantis wants to put back up confederate statues that were taken down. Then there's the big private-prison donors to DeSantis. They have cells to fill because there's profit to be made. If he can't be prez, the sour grapes that he is will make him prez of Florida. Some people had the foresight to leave Nazi Germany.... consider leaving Florida while you still can. Biden wants to close the Southern border if it gets overwhelmed? Is the US going to be America or more like former Soviet States? Remember, everything Hitler did was "legal." He just got his goons to change laws. Deja vu!

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

With today's revelation that "My Bright Horizons" dropped "relocation leaflets" in areas of Orange County, Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. For those who vote Republican in this state, you too are to blame. State records show My Bright Horizons is actually a fictitious name for Access Restoration Services, a Texas-based company that is one of three firms receiving a lucrative contract under the program authorizing the state to transport migrants to other states. They put these leaflets in churches and other places of worship that are frequented by local documented immigrants. The Christian Conservatives as well as Evangelicals are doing the full court press to move all brown people out of Florida. There mandate appears to be a "Whites Only" Christian utopia. It's just so meanspirited and disingenuous. Republicans don't care who they hurt. They are a vile and disgusting bunch of "holier-than-thou" Cretans. What's next or better yet who's next?

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having lived in NY for 53 years, this government in Florida is by far, THE WORST! The corruption goes unchecked, Defraud trashes the "Sunshine Laws", 90% of the bills are written by lobbyists and not the actual House or Senate member and the list goes on and on. I have seen it before as living here 6 years has opened my eyes. DeFraud is back to really push through his agenda not the peoples. Please don't think for a hot minute that he would change his mind after getting his ass whooped in Iowa. He is back to punish more groups of people and to enrich his wealthy elite donor base. These proposed bills don't pass the smell test. They write them vaguely to get passed one year and amp up the contents in year 2. They will then put the law into overdrive and that's when the real intent comes to the surface. This Nazi army that he is forming will rush in to help quell any uprising at a state university or protest event should it come to that. Do you remember Kent State? I do! He will certainly fly them in to chase Brown immigrants around Texas. Watch for it. Are the taxpayers okay with this?

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I am surprised by how many military etc and others "hate government". We should love our democracy which includes government. The hardest part about democracy is that it's a volunteer time activity. Which only the new aristocracy can afford to participate in - and therefore control.

And, no we are not ignorant or uneducated. Just outnumbered by working class desperate people.

In 2004, I saw the census data from Florida. There is an outsized number of people below 25K income mark and above 75K mark. It's is NOT a true average of 50K and doing well.

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i encourage you to learn about Sortition and Citizen Assemblies, which can facilitate true democracy - Terry Boricius’ “the trouble with elections “ is fantastic.

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