Thanks for focusing on this. As one of her doleful constituents, I’d also like to add that a windmill ban has also been on the policy agenda of Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (CD 13 - most of Pinellas County) - and she’s even put on a disingenuous conservationist hat as a justification. (See for eg https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/05/12/anna-paulina-luna-wind-turbines-whale-deaths/ ). After reading about this, I put together a package of research by real scientists explaining why the Gulf offshore of Florida isn’t a likely spot for a wind farm, and I requested a meeting to discuss her advocacy for a federal ban so I and other constituents might understand why she believes this legislation is a priority. To my great surprise, she did not respond. As you know (and I understand you can’t cover everything!), it’s not only DeSantis and state legislators wasting public funds and resources on this nonsense instead of addressing real problems .It’s not impossible that we might replace some of this dead weight in November, and it’s going to be a lot of work.

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Woke is such a sickening buzz word,

Straight out of the Nazi rulers .

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"It’s not clear why DeSantis decided to target wind energy. "

I have an idea. I think it's money from oil barons who think they own the world itself. DeSantis is already cultivating pals for his presidential run in 2028. He needs the cash flow.

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