So much for DeSantis proclaiming to be a Christian. Instead of uniting Biblically in love thy neighbor or love thy enemy, all he does is hate and divide, which is Satanic. He and his ilk are the proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing Christ warned people about.

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It’s funny, isn’t it? There are few instances where a single action shows someone to be both anti-Christian and anti-Free Market Capitalism, yet somehow Meatball Ron figures out a way.

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We know the Devil 👿 who went down to Georgia looking for votes to steal.

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I wish to expand on my earlier post on Postal Banking and how it could help immigrants, the unbanked and working people.

Postal banking services

The USPS already offers some very limited financial products, including the sale of money orders, international money transfers to nine countries, and cashing of U.S. Treasury checks. Adding more will help contrast the everlasting list of exorbitantly-priced financial services. The Postmaster General can take action under the Postal Service’s existing authority to offer more basic banking services, including:

Low-cost ATMs with free access for Treasury Direct Express cards, providing Social Security benefits at no cost;

Electronic money transfers to other U.S. post offices and more foreign countries

Cashing paychecks; and

Bill payment services, allowing the unbanked to make fast, convenient payments for utilities and other essential services.

Pilot projects could explore additional products.

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On August 12, The Orlando Sentinel published my Letter to the Editor about DeSantis abuse of power. I won't go into it here, but I wanted to comment on the reason and need to expand the US Postal Service to include a postal bank, which among other things would work to send remittances all over the world, at a much lower cost than the unbanked are charged by Payday loan companies, i.e. present-day loan sharks. The postal bank ran from 1911 to 1967. This is an idea that in now on the table and should be promoted and brought to life.

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