Yet nobody is protesting outside the mansion (including myself) as we should be. We are all so use to this abuse we just accept it as Politics. Sad sad spineless Country.

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Anyone who agreed to this, may potholes plague you.

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Looks like it's actually the republicans who want to spend your money on their toys, doesn't it?

What a waste. We all can see what these religious zealots are up too. Control freaks.

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I wonder how many other Republican Governors are bolstering their militias to be ready to install Trump regardless of the election outcome.

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Ron and the Republicans made any form of protest a crime. Just ask Nikki Fried and the other women who protested the Florida 6 week Abortion Ban. You can't get anywhere near the statehouse let along the mansion. Permits have to be acquired and they're not easy to get in Ron's Reichstag Regime.

As to the Brown Shirt Army, Phucking Disgusting. This is all done so he can beat his child sized chest and show whatever Republican is watching, how powerful he is at the "Border". He wants to run in 2028 so this is all show. Picking on shoeless, hapless immigrants so his potential voter in Alabama is woozy at the sight of Ron's manhood. Those Republicans in The Villages are partly to blame. Having slammed down your fourth Gin and Tonic by 11am and down ballot voting "R" because they promised to keep the Brown Man away is reason why some of this majority exists today. Wake up Grandma and Grandpa!! Ron is taking away your freedoms, rights and your retirement with out of control housing costs, the result of neglect by 25 years of Republican rule. Unfortunately more hurt must come to Florida voters in order for them to realize they have been HAD!!

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Thank you, Jason. They must relying on the funding from the Inflation reduction act passed by President Biden. Deathdoughboy must be hoping to replace, 😄😱 drumfp in 2028.

We are all just tired of fellow !🤔 who willingly vote for these rethugliCons. I hope that every sane person notices the cruelty shining through their, a lot of them but specially OTdrumfp, bunyon, killereagermiller, deadsant, flaglito even fakenoise shone, inhum, billo too had it, eyes.

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Gearing up for the zombie apocalypse!

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