We can always count on DeSantis . . . to do the wrong thing.

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Bush "read my lips" got rid of the regular people's tax write offs. The net effect is to RAISE your taxes.

Tax prep cuts????? Really????? #VoteOUTeveryREPUBLICAN

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We have plenty of housing - the REAL problem is it's not affordable. The vacation rental market takes the bulk of the vacationer's money. The locals are fed up with feeding, entertaining, and cleaning up after the visitors. They push us off the beaches - threaten to arrest the locals.

Stop destroying the environment.

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The past 30 years has nothing but lower wages and higher costs and yet - the party in the majority claims somehow this is the Democrat's fault.

The bizarre thing is that - people are so "concerned " about cutting taxes and the problems is low and poor wages!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at these valuable programs DeSantis just cut. and, telling professors what they can and can't say in a classroom is "free " speech??

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Swipe fees on sales tax?? Businesses have always been required to pay cc fees and most consumers only became aware of it when they got the apps.

They make billions because of their "cut" of every . single. purchase. in . the US.

#PayCash it's never out of style.

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Cuts to the arts. The irony is that many conservatives love the Opera, Symphony, painting etc.

The conservatives also love their gas powered blowers - and yet they will blame Dems for the bills republicans write and pass.

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DeSantis doesn't want girls educated anyway. If you do make it (read WUWF Article) they will be bullied out. They expect women to barefoot and pregnant.

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