The more I learn about the people, money & ugliness behind the “conservative” machine in America, the angrier & more worried I get about the future. If we don’t take the profit out of politics, we can kiss the whole thing goodbye

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Well there is another way to think about it. Consider. What does all that money do? Sure, it useful for rewarding corrupt behavior of politicians. But again, why do they need/want so much money? I would argue that most of that money is being used to create and disseminate political media messaging (one political campaign strategists recently told me that campaigns typically spend 70% of their budget on media messaging). And we know that there is a strong positive correlation between candidates having the most campaign funds and winning the election.

But is the only solution to somehow get all the money out of politics, a move that will be fought and, so far, a very difficult process (an I’m not sure we will ever get “dark money” out of politics)

I would argue there is another way - it involves diminishing the value of money in politics - by giving the people knowledge of how media messaging works (it doesn’t work as well when the audience is aware of what the message is attempting to do, and how it can work on us) and reducing the American voters willingness to be a passive audience of those messages. While this would take some serious social activism and public education, it is not impossible and could be accomplished through a grassroots social movement that begins locally.

Money buys media access that allows groups/individuals to decimate their message, or narrative, to the public, using the best current science of persuasion; the most powerful computer algorithms that spit out detailed data on targeting audiences attitudes, behaviors, fears, beliefs, patterns of behavior, etc.; and expert propagandist to create the messages. These messages are not meant to inform us, or educate us: they are created for the sole purpose of persuading us to perceive, believe or act in a way we wouldn’t have otherwise, and in such a way that serves the interests of the messenger, but not necessarily the audience. This type of persuasion is called propaganda.

The science of persuasion has transformed messaging & marketing of all kinds, including that of political campaigns. We know it works because the outcome is so easily tracked (in consumer marketing, via sales and in politics via polls & surveys). But it works best when the audiences lacks what many call “media literacy” - that is, the knowledge of how media messaging works. This reminds me of John Adams wrote in 175 - “knowledge is power” and that those in power will often attempt to control access to knowledge to prevent the masses from having both the ability to recognize that they are not free, and the ability to know how to gain their Freedom (PS - the People we call the Founders of America - including a John Adams - were exceptionally well-educated, w/ a great & diverse range of knowledge)

Anecdotally, I have found that while many people understand that media messaging can be powerful, most everyone I’ve talked to assume it only works on other people, but not on themselves. Of course, if this is a widespread belief, than we are left with the conclusion that this messaging works on everyone with the exception of everyone.

Not likely the case. Even though I have taught media literacy as a College Professor for years, I know that despite my knowledge of the phenomenon, I can still be affected by media messaging if I don’t remain mindful, or aware of its potential power* When I manage to catch myself before I go off and do something I wouldn’t normally do, I am stuck by the power of propaganda , and how easily it cut down and through my relaxed & normal resistance, touching deep-set desires and/or insecurities in such a way that I become more open to directives within the message. .

It probably wouldn’t surprise anyone to know that the science of persuasion (whether it used as simple persuasion or propaganda), while definitely multi-disciplinarian, is rooted in psychological and social-psychological research. As propaganda, this messaging is probably one of the most psychologically invasive abuses of power used by both consumer marketers and political strategist.**

So yes, the increasing role of money in politics is distressing for anyone who understands what Freedom and Liberty really mean; both are contradicted by the very fact that so few individuals in country have such an oversized impact on politics, our governments and society.

But the people are not helpless. Yes, we need real leaders, people who facilitate the self-empowerment of the people, people who work with us to meet the many shared needs and interests of the majority of all Americans; those basic non-ideological, kitchen table issues that have left so many of us and our households in a state of uncertainty, stress, and fear.

But we also need the people to recognize they have the capacity to break away from the captivity that our 24-7 access to media has created for us and our minds. We have to become informed and active participants in our interactions with media, as opposed to a passive audience open to whatever messenger has the most money to buy most time and space for their highly effective (and expensive) messages. It might also help if we can convince people to look up and outward from their phones or computers once in a while; our addiction to media leaves us far too vulnerable. We have to give people a reason - perhaps a strategy for reclaiming their Freedom and Liberty, their self-determination - to set their phones down, to step away from their computers, at least long enough to work together to create the world we’d like to live in instead of simply hiding in the fantasy world of mass media and leaving the power of our society to those with most money and least people-friendly self interests.

Humans beings have an amazing capacity for doing what we once thought impossible, as well as our resilience and the power of our individual and collective will to survive. It just takes a few of us to get it started - leaders who are willing to subordinate their individual interests to that of the general well being of the people (at least, as best as we can) with no tolerance for corruption or abuse of power, and the courage to stand up to those few wealthy and powerful individuals who seem to be willing to do whatever it takes to have absolute and total power (the any means is justified by the end attitude that seems to have infected nearly every institution in America). Start local, then build outward while simultaneously sharing means and methods, strategies and pitfalls, with people throughout the nation where they can start their own local effort as well. With the right strategy, and by making the objective as relevant to the people as possible, this type of effort has the potential to grow quickly

It may seem like it’s impossible, given how quickly the wealthy financed political efforts have grown. But if our messaging is as persuasive, but also honest/transparent and without the dependence on the upper 1% and their money, (thus using the science of persuasion to serve the interest of the people, not our selves or our aprox of political interests) it could work (remember that knowledge is morally neutral - it’s how we use or apply it that matters).

I’ve done something like this - I co-managed a local campaign for a municipal election, where I got to test the idea that I had been working in for a number of years. Short story - we won. It was a long shot election, taking on a much better financed, partisan, long-time incumbent), and while it was hard work, it was thrilling to see our non-partisan, people-focused, grassroots and low budget effort attracted voters. I’m a believer now. It’s was a quick but steep learning curve, but as we got things figured out, it got easier.

If we genuinely make it about the people (of , for and by the people), I believe it’s possible to break the power of money in politics via knowledge and application of that knowledge, the empowerment, of the people. Instead of the near impossible task, short of another American Revolution, of getting money out of politics, making that money less effective is probably our best bet, and in the process we may strengthen Americans knowledge of, and commitment to, the ideals of Freedom and Liberty as absolute and universal human rights in America.

* btw, this last sentence refers to the actual general meaning of “woke” - being aware of how the various social processes and patterns of social life affect us on a daily basis. It’s never been a “Liberal” political ideology, as it originated amongst Black communities (originally in Harlem amongst musical performers in the 1930s), and White “liberals” were no more likely to know the word than White Conservatives. To call on petiole to be “woke” was the equivalent of saying we have to have knowledge of the world we live in, and we have to apply it in our everyday life to protect our freedom, if not our lives. In short, “woke” is far better fit with the underlying principles and philosophies that founded the American Ideals, to obtain and utilize knowledge in our everyday lives, than contemporary Republicans “anti-woke” positions)

** persuasion is simply the act of convincing/sharing info with others primarily to serve the latter’s interests; propaganda is a similar process but done so to serve the interest of the messenger, not necessarily the audience . Both have become increasing more effective since the late 1940s, thanks to the multi-disciplinary research that built upon scientific observations by social scientists of Nazi Germany’s highly effective systematic process of mass production & dissemination of Nazi Propaganda during WWII]

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Sydney, you hit the nail on the head with this one. I too wondered why people in Florida keep voting in Republicans when they hurt them financially. It's an educational gap to degree the people are truly stupid. I grew up in NY and politics was NEVER this bad. I switched from R to D this past week. Can't believe and support ANYTHING that the Florida Republicans do. They are out to destroy public education for reasons Jason mentions. The money network is sickening. If the general public would ever read what goes on behind the scenes, those smart enough would switch parties immediately. Yes, culture wars only divert attention to the REAL devious acts of the Republican Party. If voters only knew. One other thing, the Cupcake Crusaders (Moms for Merlot) are more sinister than people know. Of course they are funded by the Koch Brothers. It was NEVER about masks and vaccines, its about the elimination of groups they don't like followed by the Charter School roll out. Disgusting!!!

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Jason, that is superior reporting!! This is a must read for any Florida voter, the ones left who can read and dissect the data. I knew the Koch Brothers are heavy into Republican funding but this was an eye opener.

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It is amazing to me to see reporters go to all the hard work researching the data, coming up with great facts and revealing the hidden truth and providing ALL OF THE FACTS for the public. For years, American turned to our media to supply us with information just like this. This reporter should be commended for the extremely talented work but, I will have to stop before saying congratulations for the story is misleading. Although truthful, the reporter dug up the information presented but omitted information the reporter did not want you to hear. Before accusing me of being some hard right spy, let me stop you short of even thinking that. My objective here is to point out how the media has allowed their personal political feelings to sway their reporting and it has caused damage to the foundation from which the 1st amendment was created. We know the intent of the 1st amendment is protect citizens and media from reporting on the truth that protects them from repercussions from the politics and government that attempts to run us. I once heard a reporter say " It is my job to investigate the case and tell you what I believe you should hear"!

I had to stop and say " No sir"! That is a very incorrect statement to make for it is YOUR JOB as a reporter, to provide us with what you find out and let us determine if we want to hear it"!

Am I incorrect to think like this?

Don't we want the truth, the entire truth and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH?

The great reporting done by this reporter should not have stopped with just the donors and their information, affiliation and what the groups do, the reporter should have told us about ALL OF THOSE THAT FUNNEL EXTREMELY LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY to EVERY POLITICAL PARTY but, to report them would mean that the reporter is revealing information about the reporters political preference that would be just ad harmful as the Republican party!

I am a firm believer it should be illegal for any corporation or anyone related to a large business or corporation to make a contribution over $1,000. It is no secrete and We know why these corporations donate. That's why it should be illegal. Both Republican and Democrats are both run by the very large contributors and not by the people of this great country and for the reporter going against the very oath, to report ALL information and to not involve themselves in the results of the story is unethical. I won't tell you where I am employed but will say, for more than 44 years, I have served the people of this great nation and turned down great opportunities to make big bucks but to do so would mean I would have to go against my oath and that is out of the question. I will share that I must gather information, and present all of it to 12 people where I allow them to sort through that information to determine if they are willing to put someone behind bars for the rest of their lives. To tip the scales of justice for any reason would be unethical not to mention illegal. But why is there no accountability for reporters & the media they work for?

When they only tell you what they want you to hear and when reporting on a story, having two separate stacks of documents prepared one containing information they want you to know and the other is of information that they omit and want the information to remain hidden from us.

When a reporter does this practice they should have some consequences other than the reward for being a team player and playing the story.

Let's say I and others in my professions started doing this same thing. If a reporter found out, it would be a dream story and I'd bet any amount of money the reporter wouldn't cover it up so why are reporters getting away with it?

No accountability! Listen, this is a great story. It would be a greater story and even news worthy if you didn't decide to change the outcome of the truth. I know your thinking you did tell the truth but, You told us what you only wanted us to hear. There's no difference in this than any election interference for when you sway voters to feel one way or the other because of all of the truth, that's fine but swaying them to feel one way or the other because you left out information that would make us feel a certain way is election interference and plays on the same team as fraud.

The media needs to return to providing us with the information we need to make our own decision and if we make that decision, we can live with it. When that decision is made after reception, that is unacceptable.

All I ask the readers to do and the reporter, is to keep an open mind, be honest with yourselves. With what I had to say, am I thinking incorrect here? Am I overthinking this? Am I the one that is wrong?

Honestly, should I have just shut up, let the media continue down this path of dishonesty regardless of who it hurts?

Do we continue allowing the media and reporters to with hold the piles of truth so we do not find out? This idea that a reporter having the mind set they are not doing anything wrong because the reported made the decision to not report the truth and feel if we don't know about it, it's okay. This is how corruption starts!

Everything that began under good intentions that started bending the rules, became criminal, racist, and violated everything from morals to civil rights. I hope, one day, we can allow elections to be conducted as we designed them, the media will go back to the way it was designed and it would be nice to see politics run the way it was intended, and by " We the People" and not run by Rich people and corporations. The media however, will never admit to any wrong doing for the do not want to loose the people's trust but believe me, I'd be doing something to police yourself the right way because slowly but surely, corruption always comes to light and one way or another, if it is wrong, we eventually learn about it. Let's just hope America can recover from all of the damage it has caused

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