The more I learn about the people, money & ugliness behind the “conservative” machine in America, the angrier & more worried I get about the future. If we don’t take the profit out of politics, we can kiss the whole thing goodbye

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Thank you, Jason for more fine reporting and calling out the ruthless, virtueless Florida GOP. It’s a sad state of Florida. Listening to Noam Chomsky the other day, I learned that since the Nixon era conservatives have known that they can’t get voters to approve their socio-economic agenda, because it only benefits the wealthy. To get votes they had to create a culture war waged with emotional hooks, like racism, homophobia, union busting, you name it. In further reading, according to the Florida Literacy Coalition, a study showed that approximately one in four Florida adults lack basic literacy skills. Conservatives’ predatory strategy of emotional manipulation on weak intellects get constituents to vote them in despite policies that hurt them. This strategy worked during the Crusades to deflect peasants’ ire away from the wealthy nobility and church and put it on Jews and Muslims instead. Most peasants died and never returned from those Crusades. Things don’t change much, do they?

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Jason, that is superior reporting!! This is a must read for any Florida voter, the ones left who can read and dissect the data. I knew the Koch Brothers are heavy into Republican funding but this was an eye opener.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Sydney, you hit the nail on the head with this one. I too wondered why people in Florida keep voting in Republicans when they hurt them financially. It's an educational gap to degree the people are truly stupid. I grew up in NY and politics was NEVER this bad. I switched from R to D this past week. Can't believe and support ANYTHING that the Florida Republicans do. They are out to destroy public education for reasons Jason mentions. The money network is sickening. If the general public would ever read what goes on behind the scenes, those smart enough would switch parties immediately. Yes, culture wars only divert attention to the REAL devious acts of the Republican Party. If voters only knew. One other thing, the Cupcake Crusaders (Moms for Merlot) are more sinister than people know. Of course they are funded by the Koch Brothers. It was NEVER about masks and vaccines, its about the elimination of groups they don't like followed by the Charter School roll out. Disgusting!!!

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