The incoming House Speaker is also the president of ALEC. It would be great if you could say something about that - the bills that ALEC is pushing forth. (Maybe you already have, if so, ignore). thank you!

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Hey there! Thanks for the note. We actually touched on that very subject a couple of weeks ago (though your comment is a good reminder that we should probably update the status of this stuff now that session is about half-way done):


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Thank you! I had missed that one!

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God help us all..... the system isn't rigged - it's fixed!

I was a part of the "radical 60's". My friends were SDS, Weathermen, and Black Panther's. I've always said, "MLK had a dream, We had a plan, and they institutionalized racism." DeSantis is Mussolini on steroids.

"It's an ongoing struggle to roll back anything that's perceived as diminishing white power. They want to convince white working people—the same white working people who have very little access to good health care and housing, whose lives are actually really precarious, as they move from union jobs to part-time, concierge labor to make ends meet—that somehow, if they can get control of the narrative inside classrooms, their lives would be better. Racism actually damages all of our prospects and futures.

I don't think it's an accident that the people who are targeted are you, Angela Davis, myself, bell hooks. To say that we're not radical would be a lie. What does radical actually mean? What it means, what Black studies is about, is trying to understand how the system works and recognizing that the way the system works now benefits a few at the expense of the many. It's easy to allow someone to come in, in the name of Black studies, and say, "We're going to talk about ancient Africa, and the great achievements of the Kush of ancient Egypt." That's not a threat—not as much as the idea of critical race theory saying that, no matter what policies and procedures and legislation are implemented, the structure of racism, embedded in a capitalist system, embedded in a system of patriarchy, continues to create wealth for some and make the rest of our lives precarious. Precarious in terms of money, precarious in terms of police violence, precarious in terms of environmental catastrophe, precarious in many, many ways. And I think people could agree with me that that's why we do this scholarship: because we're trying to figure out a way to make a better future. You know, that's the whole point. And if that's subversive, then say it, but it's definitely not indoctrination, because indoctrination is a state that bans books....."


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Thank for that link, it was a great read and eye opening once again.

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Hi There....

Between Citizens United and Lobbyists.... The Free State of Florida is just a front for rampant fraud and corruption by modern Fascists. Augh!

"Lobbyists find it much more convenient to deal with legislators at the state level rather than work with county or local officials. Thanks to the wide variety of preemption laws passed by Florida Republicans, lobbyists can hunker down in Tallahassee and not have to worry about sitting in boring meetings around the state. In return, Florida legislators get all the perks (read: donations) of being on a short leash for those lobbyists. In the case of this bill, that includes lobbyists for Associated Industries of Florida and Duke Energy. Presumably, Duke is worried it might have to allow its line workers to get out of the sun and rest for a few minutes while dealing with high-voltage lines.

So, there is no legislation to help protect workers from the heat in South Florida—and if Florida Republicans get their bill passed, there never will be.

Because 10 minutes in the shade every two hours on the four hottest days of the year is just asking for too much. Heat-related deaths are only up 95%, and when this set of workers is dead, they can always be replaced by kids."


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Well, in that case. I will buy as much as possible from farmer's markets etc. I'm not buying any lottery tickets at Publix. The trouble is that other grocery stores are equally as bad.

It is hard to read but I do thank you Mr. Garcia. I hope you get more paid subscribers to keep up the work.

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Encourage others to sign up for Jason Garcia, it's worth the money as he uncovers the corruption of ONE party rule...

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Thank you, Mr. Garcia. It hurts to read but I force myself, to keep my humanity.

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No surprise on Publix and its position as a major corporate contributor. It is a powerful, well-managed firm and I admit shopping there is a pleasure. But for those of you complaining about high prices, you might try combined shopping at Walmart and Aldi. They are not quite as pleasurable, but can save you at least 15% of your shopping budget. How about $1.88 versus $3.15 for 1/2 gal. 2% milk?

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My tag line for them is "Publix, where taking ALL of your money is a pleasure"!

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SB 280: There goes Linda Stewart for Orange County voting YES with REPUBLICANS! Toss her overboard already!! So if this passes any unruly Airbnb house party that goes on, you will not be able to say much. You'll just have to grin and bear the excessive noise, the trash and the police cars. Thank you Linda Stewart!! 😩🖕

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I understand that Publix is “employee owned.” How does that play into the situation if at all?

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SB 1690: This is the brainchild (although I question her intellect) of Carolina Amesty. Apparently in the "Parental Rights" state, 20 yr old's don't have the responsibility to know how to conduct themselves at the strip club. I get it, but old enough to by a long gun at 18? If you want to dance at 20, go ahead. What's next? Needing proof to by a Grande Iced Coffee?

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