Sorry to go all librarian on you, but it would be swell if you could provide footnotes and not just links.

There is a footnote option here at Substack.

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Great suggestion...Done!

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O good. In my use of Substack for library history I loved the FN option and you can also put links in the footnotes. And, well, I just love footnotes. I edit Wikipedia some and they won't accept articles w/o. I like the bill tracing you are doing.

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For example, where you link to statute also provide a footnote which can also have a link. I think only about 8% of readers open links (at least that happens in my Substack).

The 2022 Florida Statutes

Title XI


125.0103 Ordinances and rules imposing price controls; findings required; procedures.

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Great post. Go back to the Jeb Bush terms to see the origin of corporate Republican attacks. Start with 2004 Florida Hometown Democracy: the citizens ballot referendum that was knee-capped by the same bad actors who’ve hijacked democracy in Florida.

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I moved to Florida in 2018 and voted Dem all the way down ballot - I am sorry, but I don’t understand really what the DNC was thinking - I guess they thought DeSantis had it all wrapped up in FL, so they didn’t need to waste time or $$$ focusing on Charlie and Val to get them into seats. DeSantis is running for PRESIDENT, this wasn’t about making him win or lose Florida for a “simple” Governor’s race. This was about the PRESIDENCY!

He needed to be put in his place NOW! He needed to have a very narrow win or to lose because now he thinks he’s freaking unstoppable and so do all the people supporting him.

Because by NOT investing in Florida thinking we were a lost cause the Democratic National Committee have ushered TRUMP 2.0 into the White House - so Thank Them. I am mad and depressed with all these.

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The Democratic National Senatorial Campaign decided to pass on Val Demings expecting Florida to go solid RED. Guess they were correct. They gave Fetterman of Pennsylvania $25 million for his effort. Once again, they were correct. Florida Dems are in need of new, more dynamic leadership for starters, but have a very long way to go now that Florida politics is like Texas.

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What has happened to the Florida Democratic Party? Where are they in all of this? Where was the outrage when Florida slapped a poll tax on former felons after 70% of voters statewide approved a referendum demanding their voting rights be restored? I think the Democratic Party in this state is paid by big sugar and major development companies.

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Join your county DEC and work for change. Become a precinct captain.

It was not a good strategy for the FLDEMs to run a candidate who had been a Republican. Even if he truly, truly had become a Democrat in his heart he was a former Republican governor against whom many Florida Democrats had campaigned in 2006. I could not get over the way he treated Nan Rich in the 2014 primary. See TBT: Charlie Crist vs. Nan Rich, a Democratic primary devoid of a campaign. TAMPA — "After running for governor for nearly a year, Charlie Crist has resolutely ignored fellow Democrat Nan Rich, and voters will render their verdict Tuesday on whether it was a sound strategy."--August 25, 2014.

All signs point to a cakewalk by Crist, 58, a former Republican governor turned independent turned Democrat who's trying to complete a political transformation never seen before in Florida.

Crist has lost ground to Republican Gov. Rick Scott in recent polls and will be vastly outspent by him, so he needs to trounce Rich to dispel any lingering doubts about whether Democrats are comfortable with a former self-described "Jeb Bush Republican" as their nominee.

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Excellent piece. Florida has been the testing ground for the conservative agenda structured decades ago to protect wealth. The Powell Memorandum provided a plan to replace democracy and it was enacted in Florida with the help of money from billionaires like the Koch brothers. John Thrasher, a North Florida lawmaker, helped Jeb Bush initiate the efforts. Thrasher was ALEC lawmaker of the year, a group funded by the Kochs. See my 2012 Folio Weekly story about this .


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The new leader of the Florida Senate is Kathleen C Passidomo.

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Not to be confused with Quasimodo.

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