Records show a new state law meant to speed up construction of housing subdivisions was largely written by lobbyists for Lennar Corp., one of the nation's largest homebuilders.
There's another thing: these are very low-quality homes. I visited a Lennar community near St Cloud and was shocked with how everything seemed fragile and badly finished.
Remember, provide shade & water to any workers you have on your property or within view of your property. WE need to be responsible and fill the Little Ronnie GAP!!
FloriDuh- the one state where greedy corporate donor dollars make the laws and even greedier DeSantis and his ass-kissing GOP pass the laws. 14 years of incompetent GOP rule has turned Florida into an ugly concrete wasteland of pollution and garbage filled with angry, rude people stuck in constant gridlock.
Citizens have a legal recourse to fight development that is not consistent with the comprehensive plan or when the county makes "administrative decisions" that allow violations of current rules BUT you only have 30 days to file a lawsuit. Speeding up a process that already has practically nonexistent public notice laws seems like a complete lack of due process. How can you prove in court that the development is incompatible or violates county regulations if there are no finalized plans to challenge?
There is not a SINGLE republican House or Senate member who could craft a bill like this, by themselves. There is absolutely no way. Ms. Esposito has been on the wrong side of many pro-business bills. I'm curious as to the strength of these 'fast tracked homes'.
Have you noticed the architecture difference ? The tourist houses have big front porches and lots of big windows. The workers get a stoop with small overhand to get in the door and nothing special for a front yard.
You've done a good job here identifying the competing interests, both from a real-life economic standpoint, and also from a policy standpoint. The more housing regulation there is, the safer homes are, but also the more they cost. More housing means more affordable housing, by any supply-demand measure, but then the whack-a-mole policy machines gets cranked up: more housing = more affordability = suburban sprawl = environmental concerns, and on and on it goes. In my experience, any analysis involving housing must take into account NIMBY (not-in-my-back-yard). Everyone wants to save egrets, but no one wants to pay additional tax to make public transportation work; everyone wants more affordable housing in practice but not in reality. We need more multi-family housing but no one wants it near their home. And you're right that the ultimate problem here is the traditional single family homeowner who wants to live in 1950s suburbia, right down to the nitrogen-producing fertilizer they apply to their lawns.
All in all, I think streamlining regulatory oversight makes sense.
In Florida streamlining means cutting corners and building shitty houses. Full Stop! Even the houses that go up today have interior studs 24", 36" and even 48" on center. That's garbage building and they know it. You pay a premium for a house with less lumber than a house built in Central US and Northern US.
Campaign contribution usage is subject to FEC accounting and there are limits on contribution size. It's more fun to get Cash. The Supreme Court alleviated that bottleneck in the exchange of cash for Official Acts and laws a few weeks ago in Snyder. Mayor Snyder directed his contracting guy to rig the bid specifications for new garbage trucks to precisely match the specs of the trucks that his friend's company made. So only his friend's company submitted a bid - and his buddy got a premium price. His friend was so surprised and delighted that he gave Snyder a 13k$ tip, which Snyder was surprised and delighted to get. And no they never discussed any of this as, if they did, they'd surely tell us and go off to jail.
Curiously a week ago Populist Trump (not to be confused with Dictator Trump) spoke about helping waitresses by no longer requiring tips to reported or taxed. Last week debunked this as smoke and mirrors. The hotel industry backs it - so you know it's not for tipped staff.
But the not reporting tip bit is a big relief for the Mayor Synder and our many soon to be tipped legislators in Tally & DC as otherwise Seeking Rents would be reporting those tips just as they report campaign donations now. And that's a problem for getting re-elected as many voters still
think that we ought not be fracked by those that we elect. Note that all of the above follows from the Court re-defining legal ethics to legalize their own life style.
Is it possible to obtain a list of the state representatives that received campaign contributions from Lennarโs lobbyists?
I wonder how much of an investigation of Lennarโs many lawsuits filed against them for shoddy workmanship was undertaken. Representative Esposito seems to have accepted the campaign contribution at the expense of his constituents bad experiences with Lennar.
We do NOT have a housing shortage. - there are plenty of homes for tourist and 2nd homes. The housing is not affordable. Bill Black, PhD - The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.
Please watch people! It's not a conspiracy theory.
Thank you for this article. Everyone below said it very well.
I'd like an article about how legislation works - each rep gets 8 slots to file bills and how it really moves through the legislature. We need citizens to write bill with Reps and Senators - that's how democracy is supposed to work.
DeSantis is destroying Florida. This fast track screams shoddy construction and cut corners. That should work well during hurricane season๐
My 1st thought & we all know what that will screw, I mean do, to our insurance rates.
Make them much worse๐ฌ
There's another thing: these are very low-quality homes. I visited a Lennar community near St Cloud and was shocked with how everything seemed fragile and badly finished.
Remember, provide shade & water to any workers you have on your property or within view of your property. WE need to be responsible and fill the Little Ronnie GAP!!
FloriDuh- the one state where greedy corporate donor dollars make the laws and even greedier DeSantis and his ass-kissing GOP pass the laws. 14 years of incompetent GOP rule has turned Florida into an ugly concrete wasteland of pollution and garbage filled with angry, rude people stuck in constant gridlock.
Citizens have a legal recourse to fight development that is not consistent with the comprehensive plan or when the county makes "administrative decisions" that allow violations of current rules BUT you only have 30 days to file a lawsuit. Speeding up a process that already has practically nonexistent public notice laws seems like a complete lack of due process. How can you prove in court that the development is incompatible or violates county regulations if there are no finalized plans to challenge?
There is not a SINGLE republican House or Senate member who could craft a bill like this, by themselves. There is absolutely no way. Ms. Esposito has been on the wrong side of many pro-business bills. I'm curious as to the strength of these 'fast tracked homes'.
Have you noticed the architecture difference ? The tourist houses have big front porches and lots of big windows. The workers get a stoop with small overhand to get in the door and nothing special for a front yard.
You've done a good job here identifying the competing interests, both from a real-life economic standpoint, and also from a policy standpoint. The more housing regulation there is, the safer homes are, but also the more they cost. More housing means more affordable housing, by any supply-demand measure, but then the whack-a-mole policy machines gets cranked up: more housing = more affordability = suburban sprawl = environmental concerns, and on and on it goes. In my experience, any analysis involving housing must take into account NIMBY (not-in-my-back-yard). Everyone wants to save egrets, but no one wants to pay additional tax to make public transportation work; everyone wants more affordable housing in practice but not in reality. We need more multi-family housing but no one wants it near their home. And you're right that the ultimate problem here is the traditional single family homeowner who wants to live in 1950s suburbia, right down to the nitrogen-producing fertilizer they apply to their lawns.
All in all, I think streamlining regulatory oversight makes sense.
In Florida streamlining means cutting corners and building shitty houses. Full Stop! Even the houses that go up today have interior studs 24", 36" and even 48" on center. That's garbage building and they know it. You pay a premium for a house with less lumber than a house built in Central US and Northern US.
Campaign contribution usage is subject to FEC accounting and there are limits on contribution size. It's more fun to get Cash. The Supreme Court alleviated that bottleneck in the exchange of cash for Official Acts and laws a few weeks ago in Snyder. Mayor Snyder directed his contracting guy to rig the bid specifications for new garbage trucks to precisely match the specs of the trucks that his friend's company made. So only his friend's company submitted a bid - and his buddy got a premium price. His friend was so surprised and delighted that he gave Snyder a 13k$ tip, which Snyder was surprised and delighted to get. And no they never discussed any of this as, if they did, they'd surely tell us and go off to jail.
Curiously a week ago Populist Trump (not to be confused with Dictator Trump) spoke about helping waitresses by no longer requiring tips to reported or taxed. Last week debunked this as smoke and mirrors. The hotel industry backs it - so you know it's not for tipped staff.
But the not reporting tip bit is a big relief for the Mayor Synder and our many soon to be tipped legislators in Tally & DC as otherwise Seeking Rents would be reporting those tips just as they report campaign donations now. And that's a problem for getting re-elected as many voters still
think that we ought not be fracked by those that we elect. Note that all of the above follows from the Court re-defining legal ethics to legalize their own life style.
Is it possible to obtain a list of the state representatives that received campaign contributions from Lennarโs lobbyists?
I wonder how much of an investigation of Lennarโs many lawsuits filed against them for shoddy workmanship was undertaken. Representative Esposito seems to have accepted the campaign contribution at the expense of his constituents bad experiences with Lennar.
We do NOT have a housing shortage. - there are plenty of homes for tourist and 2nd homes. The housing is not affordable. Bill Black, PhD - The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.
Please watch people! It's not a conspiracy theory.
Thank you for this article. Everyone below said it very well.
I'd like an article about how legislation works - each rep gets 8 slots to file bills and how it really moves through the legislature. We need citizens to write bill with Reps and Senators - that's how democracy is supposed to work.
That's a mouth full but you are absolutely right on all points, Sydney!