Jumbo Patronis is receiving money from Slide. How is this allowable other than Republicans don't subscribe to anything ethical. There is no neutrality in Florida GOP. If you are a Floridian and you still vote Republican, you have to look at what they are doing behind the curtains. Ron complains constantly about the cost of living in California and NY but guess what.....Florida is exploding to the upside in cost of living. Don't give me that nonsense about "no state income tax". All the other fees and hundreds of miles of tolls roads, traffic gridlock on outdated roadways, ballooning housing costs on crappy salaries are zooming right past CAL and NY.

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Not to mention of the horrible weather, for me atleast. repubs "win" through gerrymandering and voter suppression but also republican voters are famous for voting against self-interest.

There's a good reporting by Propublica magazine about an elderly person from the largest community there called villages, trying to stand up to repubs and ending up in jail! It reads like a horror story.

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What? Patronis is one many UNQUALIFIED appointments by DeSantis—no degree OR experience whatever in finance or banking, and he is doing ZERO to alleviate the $6000 annual homeowner insurance price gouging!!! The insurance companies have Ron and Patronis in their back pocket! It’s a huge scandal! The voters can fix this by voting these scoundrels out of office in November! Get registered and vote by mail—they will create long lines at the polls on Election Day!

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And yet most people here in FL love DeSantis. It’s a red state & people blame Biden for everything. It is truly baffling. Hard for me to believe the Villages complained about anything as they are Trumpers.

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My income went WAY farther living in NY. That political line of BS drives me bat shit.

Right up there with "free state" 🤮

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Free, like Nazi Germany!!

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Trash at roadside restops, no bathrooms so disgusting bushes, Florida is turning into a toxic stew.

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The corruption is deep and Desantis has clogged the courts with frivolous lawsuits..,Patronis repeated the Desantis slogan “Where woke goes to Die”. So hard to be a Floridian. The change in the last 5 years is mind boggling. Project 2025 in full swing.


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Yes, voting has consequences. Most people don’t even research the people they vote for. Read about what’s going on. Garcia explains in detail. He just one. There are others.

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PJ I hope you move to CA.

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I'm sorry but I have to say it again. Floridians will have to bear the financial pain of shady Republican policy installations to finally realize that they have been HAD. More people will have to leave the state, move out for them to get angry enough to vote for wholesale change in Tallahassee. It's the only way.

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Or another massive hurricane or three combined with red tide to finally get the real news.

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please move

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Slide was created in early 2022 and must have been working with repubs and got it by the end of the year.

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Republicans legislators in Tally actually CREATED property insurance companies with the intention of gouging Floridians with DeSantis’s help! They are corrupt!!!

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Thank you for the information!

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Does anyone know who are Slide’s majority shareholders - individual , private equity &/or hedge fund type investment group? I understand that looking for this information can quickly reveal a dark and windy rabbit hole. But seems obvious that Slide is getting special preferences. Wonder if the other property insurance companies that are still active in Florida might have an interest in digging into the Slide and State of Florida relationships.

I was with Farmers Insurance, who had reasonably priced policies (relative to the other insurance companies I looked into); when Farmers ended their Florida homeowners policies, I was “picked up” by a new agent and Slide Insurance. I ended up a $500 increase for 2024/2025, putting me close to $2700 Yr for 1000 sq ft ranch with brand new roof. Looking at my policy, i saw that they broke down how much I was paying for hurricane vs regular home insurance, which I never noticed before - $2000 of the policy is for hurricane coverage.

So add that extra $2000 a year to my cost of living in Florida, a state w/a rate of increasing costs (food, utilities, etc) higher than many other states. Many of us are in fixed incomes that can not absorb these rising costs which may force us to move out of state.

Hard to believe that our legislature has any politicians representing our interests. Too bad more voters don’t understand that while they are being distracted by Republican’s newest creation - the “Culture Wars” - their pockets are being picked and their representative government is working for Corporate America and its majority shareholders (who have been getting exponentially wealthier for the last forty years, and especially since Covid)

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Here’s an article on Slide, It’s founder and the trick of quickly building a home insurance company with the help of the Florida Government (yep, sizable political donations) and the cost of Florida homeowners. Note the fail rate of new insurance companies in Florida. Hope you all find this informative. bTW, Slide founder claims not to be political, but his lobbyists (he also founded Heritage Insurance) pushed for pro-insurance company legislation which he says he would never have bothered to come to Florida without


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Spot on

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And this is why the N GA mountains are seeing a massive influx of Floridians. Dawsonville can’t keep up with the number of new homes needed, Blairsville has an increase, Gainesville is building lots of apartments. I have a 24 year old 1000 sq ft house in a tiny home/resort community and my HO insurance is $1350 a year. Before I left Florida they wanted $5000 a year for a 39 year old house. Sure I may pay sales tax on groceries but my electric, water, car gas, trash is much cheaper. Not sure how my property taxes will be as I haven’t seen a bill yet.

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Slide sounds like a slippery slope. Imagine what getting a claim paid would be like? So what are the odds a two year old company would go belly up in a hurricane event leaving those taken-out by Slide, submerged? A better company name might be Slither.

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It's always darker than darkest with repubs as this is win-win for their donors...people who can't afford the home owners' insurance will be forced to sell which probably be bought by donors' buddies/private equities and sold at insanely higher price so they profit either way. Let's call it united oligarchs of America.

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Great article. Love this reporting Jason.

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I have heard this before and believe the same notion. That Florida's economy is similar to a house of cards. Somehow it's not funded properly. Only certain income groups are "making it" while others can't get ahead. The Home Insurance market is a mess, kids and adults are going without Healthcare because of Republicans think-tank industry that doesn't want this type of safety net, roads and infrastructure are outdated and Tallahassee is on the take. This is only the short list. However, I believe this state is 2 massive hurricanes away from a complete implosion. This whole Slide business is sketchy to say the least. The insurance companies are telling the state what to expect, they make the rules while the campaign checks keep rolling in....

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Your assessment is impressive as are others on this! The corruption in FL and nationwide is appalling. Fear of mine is DeSantis/Trump new found love and potential Trump Corp creating insurance companies. Plus who, when, where is DeSantis' administration's corruptions going to be stopped?!! Ive neglected following FL in detail lately....Anyway glad I've found some of my people here to really stay informed and thought provoked.

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Wishful thinking to boycott insurance but many will be forced to sell as this is THE PLAN.

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It's always darker than darkest with repubs as this is win-win for their donors...people who can't afford the home owners' insurance will be forced to sell which probably be bought by donors' buddies/private equities and sold at insanely higher price so they profit either way. Let's call it united oligarchs of America.

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May 9Edited

This Insurance is a conundrum. In my opinion it is not a Republican Democrat Issue. When Inflation hits, the people hit most are NOT the elites. The Expensive properties buying insurance near the Gulf pay subsidized rates. If they paid the real amount the small homeowner would not be asked to sustain the leveling of the playing field in Insurance. So Government also has companies like Citizens cover as Insurance of last resort. Unfortunately it is our taxes that cover the short end, resulting in more taxes needed to cover which hurts the small guy. Citizens cannot run at a loss, as it is covered by us. So is it the chicken or the egg? This article mentions competition. If money can be made, other Insurance companies will follow, causing the knife to be sharpened. It is contrarian but the idea of free market forces, actually cause better pricing. Nothing is painless, but studies have shown that the more freedom we have in the market and the less involved in subsidies the better we are. And IF our Government lets free markets happen they need to stop or reduce taxing. The growth of our economy and the benefits of this economic chaos is the best way to avoid being a Venezuela.

People are moving to Florida because of the lack of Freedom and Government malfeasance up North.

Pain in the short term may be scary but these are first world problems. I don't like this anymore than you do, BUT someone has to understand, someday the credit card comes due. So beat up those who make tough decisions, its America after all, but smart people understand there is no free lunch.

As to the donations by Insurance to Politicians, its works both ways, better to keep them honest with the vote, a new broom sweeps clean but I do not wish to jump from the frying pan into the fire. DeSantis will be gone soon, keep this in mind when empty promises are made for free stuff.

Sorry if I offended.



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I don't agree with everything you wrote, but you certainly hit the nail on the head when you discuss the subsidizing of coastal homes. There is no excuse for the ongoing construction of homes on or near the water. They are simply targets awaiting the next hurricane, high tide or rising oceans. And what happens when these mega-houses are damaged? The government rushes in with taxpayer dollars to pay for rebuilding them just in time for the next catastrophe. Luckily, those homeowners have enough money to buy the politicians who go along with this travesty.

Although I don't like much of Texas politics, they have an Open Beach Law that makes it illegal to obstruct access to the beaches. Furthermore, it has a "rolling easement" that moves with the vegetation line. That is, if erosion washes away the beach, you might find your house is obstructing access to the beach and must be removed at your expense. That gives strong incentive not to build too close to the water.

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You will like this podcast on the regulation deception. It is up your alley.


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Mother in law’s insurer left Florida ($1,600 prev premium) - only one renewal quote mailed to her, from Slide. It was $5,200. - with a 4 point. She didn’t want Citizens for whatever reason, so we found a new policy for $2,600 - but fully expect it to jump next year. We have a small place 1/2 hour east of Asheville, and have been trying to make a definitive plan to leave here. It’s untenable - we CAN afford it, but WHY would we?

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